What Are MRR, PLR, RR, and PUR, and Why Is It Important to Understand These Terms When Starting a Digital Products Business

If you're considering starting a business with digital products, it's essential to understand what resell rights are. These are the legal permissions you receive when purchasing a digital product, defining what you can and cannot do with it. Essentially, resell rights set the boundaries for how you can use, modify, and distribute the digital products you buy.

There are several types of resell rights, such as MRR (Master Resell Rights), PLR (Private Label Rights), RR (Resell Rights), and PUR (Personal Use Rights), each offering a different set of possibilities. For example, some rights allow you to simply resell the product exactly as you received it, while others give you the freedom to modify or even rebrand it under your own name.

Understanding these terms is crucial before starting a digital products business, as they determine how much control you have over your products and what sales strategies you can employ. If you don't clearly understand your rights, you risk limiting your profit potential or even violating intellectual property laws. Therefore, before investing time and money in the digital products you intend to sell, make sure you have a solid understanding of these rights.

To better understand the differences between MRR, PLR, RR, and PUR, let's imagine each digital product as a book.



MRR (Master Resell Rights)

If you have an MRR license for a book, you can sell it as is and, additionally, pass on the resell rights to those who buy it from you. In other words, whoever buys the book from you can also resell it, but without changing the content.

PLR (Private Label Rights)

A PLR license gives you the freedom to make changes to the book. Want to change the title, rewrite certain chapters, or add a new chapter written by you? It's all possible. You can then sell the book under your name and even offer your buyers resell rights.

RR (Resell Rights)

With an RR license, you can sell the book as is, but you cannot pass on the resell rights. Buyers can read the book, but they cannot resell it to someone else.

PUR (Personal Use Rights)

This is the most restrictive license. Buying a book with PUR means you can read it, but you can't sell, modify, or do anything other than use it for your personal enjoyment.


In Short:

License Type

What You Can Do

What You Cannot Do

MRR (Master Resell Rights)

You can sell the product and offer resell rights.

You cannot modify the product.

PLR (Private Label Rights)

You can modify, rebrand, and sell the product.

You cannot limit resales after rebranding the product.

RR (Resell Rights)

You can sell the product as is.

You cannot offer resell rights further.

PUR (Personal Use Rights)

You can use the product for personal use.

You cannot sell, modify, or distribute the product.


When purchasing digital products, make sure the product's license type aligns with your plans. If you need more information, I'm here to help! And if you're looking for digital products, visit my store where I specify the type of license for each product.

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